Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Transformation Tuesday!!! 7/22/2014

I know, I know I already blogged today, but this is just too good NOT TO SHARE with all of you!!! I am sure a lot of you have heard the saying Transformation Tuesday and didn't think anything of it. OR, you've heard of it and you thought to yourself meh I haven't done anything with myself physically that put me in the "Transformation" category! WRONG! I want you to look back through old photos of yourself, and even if its a negative transformation I want you to realize how your body has changed over your life time. If you're like me and on a fitness or weight loss journey I want you to look back and find photos of yourself that you've changed in for the better. If you don't have any, that tells me AND you that you need to start taking more pictures of yourself along your journey. Pictures I know are our worst enemies but seriously you're not going to see a change unless you can actually "see" it.
  I've only been on my journey seriously now, since December of last year.. so not even a full year. Today was the first time I thought to collage together a bunch of photos to see if I could really "SEE" a change! What I saw was nothing more then shocking and pure amazement! See for yourself.... do YOU see a change?!
Again please take pictures along your journey.. you won't regret if it you keep pushing to the end!! You wont see it overnight, but you'll get there and when you do, it will feel AMAZING!

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