Monday, July 21, 2014

The About Me Post:

Hi Everyone:

  I am Christina, a soon to be late 20's (oh my gosh, did i really just say that) wife and mom of two children. I'm going to go back as far as high school where i first noticed how overweight i was. I had been picked on and called fat and even picked up the name "Big Bird". I am not really sure where it came from other then i was extremely tall and overweight. I was active in my high school years playing volleyball then getting a job as a cashier at the local grocery store. I am sure i could have been more active in school sports but who wants to put themselves out there after being called fat? So if i wasn't working after school i was at home on the internet talking to people who didn't know me, who didn't know my size and who didn't judge me. I ate like crap and came home to make things like grilled cheese, or ramen noodles! (Gag me, you now couldn't pay me enough to eat ramen noodles)
     I didn't think too much about my weight then and honest to goodness i couldn't even begin to tell you how much i weighed back then. I always seemed to feel confident in myself and how i looked. I always thought that was what mattered most, not a number on a scale. However when you're constantly being called fat in school you start to believe all those harsh and nasty words thrown at you. So i buried myself into my studies and my after school job. I found confidence in the people i made friendships with online through social media. I soon graduated in 2006  and got a full time job in a career field helping the disabled. 
   I didn't really date anyone through out high school, but in 2007 is when i met a guy named Adam who was 17 and I was 19. We met on the website called Hot or Not and talked for about a month before meeting. I was sick to my stomach thinking could a guy really like me, could he really look at me and love me?! Well needless to say we are now married and have been together for 7 years. I often asked myself and him as well "Why?" and his answer was always "because you're beautiful inside and out and that's what i want". Our romance was rather a whirlwind of events... we started dating in August of 2007, he gave me a promise ring for Christmas in December of 2007. Shortly after the New Year i moved in with him at his parents house while he finished up his senior year of high school. (Was i being naive to think that a guy who was two year younger then me, really love me... all of me?) Well lets hope so because what happened next was total stepping stone to my story.
   In April of 2008 Adam and I found out we were pregnant! SURPRISE!!! Here I am extremely overweight and all over the place with my body, and now i am going to be growing even more!! My pregnancy was better then to be expected. I didn't gain a ton of weight, and i craved all healthy foods! We went twice to find out the sex of our baby but couldn't, when the technician has said due to my weight/body it was difficult to get a clear image. I was devastated, i cried and felt like crap. In January 2009 I delivered a healthy baby boy weighing 7lbs 7oz. He was a vaginal delivery without complications. They had to monitor my blood pressure during my pregnancy, but it never got high enough for them to be too concerned with. I started gaining weight after my son was born, WHAT!? I thought you were supposed to gain weight while pregnant. I got comfortable in my relationship with Adam and our lifestyle wasn't the best when it came to eating. 
   Fast Forward to August 2009 when Adam asked me to marry him! YAY, happiest time of a girls life right. Wrong, i wasn't looking forward to any of it, other then the being married to Adam part. I dreaded the idea of going wedding dress shopping so much that i picked out my brides maids dresses before i even started looking at wedding dresses. When it came time to try on wedding dresses, the wedding consultant at Davids Bridal made me feel as though altering any of the dresses i liked even just a little would be such an annoyance as if her being annoyed will help me drop 70lbs. Long story short, I didn't end up wearing a typical wedding dress! I went with a bridesmaid dress that the consultant was sure to tell me several times that it comes in plus, plus sizes. Ohhh well alright then, I'll go with that thank you for making this whole experience 10000% worse then i ever imagined it to be. I got married August 21st 2010. I had horrible anxiety from standing up in front of all of our guests. I don't even have any of my wedding photos up in my house, except for a few that i am hidden in behind my wedding guests. THIS was my lowest point, the point i knew i had to make a change! The best day of my life or what was supposed to be is filled with awful horrible memories of anxiety and fear.
   I tried numerous things at home like random workout dvds that i found at the store, or i would go for a walk. I still ate whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted.... even though i was sure to throw in some veggies here, and a fruit there. That's healthy right? I lost about 5lbs in like 3 months of hard working out. I was pissed, hurt and frustrated. So i did what many of you would have done... i quit. I would occasionally get back up and start again but nothing really stuck, or worked for me. So i just went on about my merry way in hopes that i would just somehow lose all the weight i had gained from being lazy, and eating garbage. 
   In 2012 Adam and I decided that it was time for another baby!! I had stopped working out because i was under the mindset that working out was messing with my period cycle and was causing my ovulation to be off. It took us nearly a year to conceive our second child, and i know for a fact my weight played a huge part in that. I also had thought, why workout and lose all this weight just to be fat and pregnant again!? In my mind it made sense (but really it was just an excuse to not do the work). Welp fast forward again to August 2013... after several months of weekly check ups to keep an eye on my deathly high blood pressure they finally decided that i had developed pre-eclampsia and needed to be induced. I was indued 8 days before my due date, and my daughter was born at 8lbs 3oz. She was bigger then my son and i would imagine it was because of my weight, and health state at the time. It made me sad to no end when i found out that i had developed pre-eclampsia and beacuse my health was sooo poor! I ended up having to stay in the hospital a few days extra to be monitored because of such high blood pressure. I knew the day i stepped out of the hospital that there was no turning back. I was going to hit the ground running with my health and fitness and get my life back. 

Stay tuned to see what it was that i did to get my health and fitness off to a great start!!! For my readers, tell me in the comment section, what was your lowest point? What was it that made you says ahhh ha! I need to make a change in my life, and i need to do it now!!! 

xoxox Christina

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