Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Life Changer!

So ever person along their weight loss journey finds something that just works for them. It helps them achieve remarkable goal they've set for themselves and once they do there is no turning back. With that being said in February of this year Beachbody's Autumn Calabrese released not only a workout program but a nutritional eating plan called the 21 Day Fix. The workout part of the program is made up of 6 different workouts so that way you're doing something different each day. Its meant to help everyone, no matter their fitness level. Its a simple 30 minute workout but its effective and you see results. The most important aspect of this program was the nutritional aspect of it. It allows you to retrain yourself in the ways of eating clean, and the way you should on a regular daily basis. It takes your body weight and breaks it down into a caloric tier, depending on your tier depends on how much if each food group you can eat PER DAY to lose weight. They have color coded blocks that go with each of the major food groups that you put your food in to measure it out. This is just a simple overview of the program and at a later time I can go over it in more detail.
   Want to know my results of my first round of the 21 Day Fix? I lost 13lbs, and 15 inches off my body!! YES, I said it 13lbs in 21 DAYS! Best part about this program is you get to EAT your food. There is no counting or cutting calories. You don't have to blend your food into some shake, by eating real, whole foods the weight will just melt off. So many people have the horrible misconception that in order to lose weight you NEED to stop eating, or to eat less. In most cases that's clearly not the case. In my case because I am obese I actually need to still eat a lot, but of the healthy foods. If you're not eating enough your body will hold onto the fat and it becomes a vicious cycle.
   The 21 Day Fix isn't a diet, or a fad. Like I stated previously its honestly the way everyone should be eating daily, for the rest of their lives. It takes 21 days to break a bad habit, and that's exactly what this program did for me. It allowed to me to look at all food and they way I eat differently. If I'm not eating by the guide of the nutrition plan, I am always wondering if I am eating enough, or if I'm eating the right types of foods. With this simple plan its easy to just watch the weight disappear and watch yourself become a happier and healthier you!

Here is a video to give you more of a viewed detailed presentation of the program.-- 21 Day Fix Info Video

If you're interested in purchasing this program here is the link-- 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack

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